Friday, December 13, 2013

Movie Questions

Your favorite actor: I don't really have one but I would say I really like Will Smith and always will. Your favorite actress: Oh, well I like Meryl Streep, Catherine Zeta Jones, Jessica Lange, Drew Barrymore etc. The most overrated movie: The Notebook The most underrated movie:Keith Your favorite character from any movie: Wow, this is a hard one...Keith Zedderstrom probably from the movie "Keith". Favorite documentary:Queen of Versailles A movie that no one would expect you to love: Saving Private Ryan A movie that is a guilty pleasure: Phantom of the Opera Favorite classic movie:Pride and Prejudice Movie with the best soundtrack:The Great Gastby (Just kidding) Um I'd say maybe Mamma Mia lol A movie that changed your opinion about something:Precious (I don't know I just loved that movie) Your least favorite movie:Quantum of Solace This was fun, if you want to try to answer these questions GO AHEAD :)

Friday, December 6, 2013

Gravity: Sandra Bullock Vs. Nature

I recently went to the movies with my dad. He's Russian and he loves American movies. So, he asked me if I wanted to see Gravity with him starring Sandra Bullock. It had gotten good reviews from The Rolling Stones Magazine and The Boston Globe. To me it was a basic main character vs. nature plot. Sandra Bullock is an emotionally unstable astronaut, which doesn't make sense in reality because NASA wouldn't let emotionally unstable people into space....but, anyway, a lot of bad events keep happening to her and she ends up all alone and has to battle against outer space. I have to say that it was kind of uplifting at the end but Sandra Bullock didn't give enough emotion for my liking. The special effects are basically THE movie. Bullock does portray a strong(ish) main character but it was altogether just "meh". My favorite character was Paul Newman he added comic effect which is always good. All in all, it was an alright movie. Keep watching and have a good day :)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Dumplings: Asian Drama Disturbs

*SPOILER ALERT* Back in the foreign movie section on Netflix. And once again, the strange factor is present in the Asian foreign dramaish film "Dumplings". When I first saw the cover, I thought about those awesome dumplings I get at Chinese restaurants. It seems normal...a picture of an Asian girl with some dumplings in the background. Boy was I wrong. The movie starts out with an eerie tone and continues throughout the film. A depressed movie actress who is supposedly too old to act anymore (The actress looked like she was 30 which isn't old at all), goes to a woman for special dumplings that make people age in reverse. The really disturbing part of it is that the woman that makes the dumplings uses baby fetuses which she gets under-the-table from a local hospital. If that's not bound to make you a little squeamish, it gets worse. The dumplings end up making the actress sweat profusely and smell really, really bad. Which is also extremely disgusting.Wait. It gets even worse. There was a point in the film where the dumpling-woman chops up a fetus that has grown hair already and had a beating heart. I KNOW. IT'S REPULSIVE. A lot of other creepy stuff happened...including a random affair. If you want to watch this movie, be aware. I guess it was kind of interesting if this is your type of thing. It kind of scarred me. The acting was really good though even though the lead girl didn't have much emotion in her face and looked like a walking zombie. I think that's how the character was supposed to be though. Happy movie watching! BYYYEEEE